Radiological expertise

Radiological measurements

Our Expertises

Natural radioactivity

The exposure of human beings to ionizing radiation from natural sources is a continuous and unavoidable feature of life on earth.
UNSCEAR 2000: source of ionizing radiation
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Artificial radioactivity

Artificial radioactivity is a fundamental discovery that has made it possible to recreate radionuclides with a short life span. When this exposure is not mastered, it can be dangerous.
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X-rays are produced by changes in the energy level of electrons around the nucleus.
Its wavelength is equivalent to gamma radiation.
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Our services

Metallurgical products

Some radionuclides can be detected in metallurgical slags.
In the case of steel slags, the presence of heavy metals, or sometimes radionuclides, is exceptional
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Gas products

In the drilling of gas, the drillers sometimes cross lands containing radioactive ores (uranium, radium). A radioactivity that eventually rises: the drilling waste (sludge, sands).
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Mining products

The tailings of uranium ore processing are stored directly at the mine sites. These mining wastes are very low activity because uranium is one of the least radioactive elements of nature.
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